Sunday, June 25, 2006

New Change

You May Notice the change of the title. I had more free-time before the movie and was bored. :)


Hannah Clark said...

DRUE!!!!!!!!! I heard about your hand...I'm soooo sorry!! I hope you're okay!! I miss you guys sooo much!! I'm mad you're not coming down =( =(.....I love you sooooo much!!!

Hannah Clark said...

hey Drubie (aka Jimmy =-P) I miss you soooooo much!!! I'm having drue and devin withdraw!! I haven't heard from either of you guys forever and I'm about to fill out 2 missing persons reports :-P...You definitly need to call me soooon so we can catch up!! I absolutly love you!!! Tell Uncle Paul and Aunt Leanne I love them and miss them!!

<3 Hannah Elise

Hannah Clark said...

hey buddy!!! We really need to catch up....and SOOOOON!!! I really miss you uys =(...I hope school goes well for ya guys the first day!! I'll try to call you before that though!!! I love you Jimmy!

<3 Hannah Elise