Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sad Times.

These are sad times right now. My cousins just left and now I'm extremely bored And now I'm Sighing. O well. Leave a Comment.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Hangin with the Cousins.

As you can see from the above, today is December 22, 2006. I'm semi-bored. We're just sitting here. When I say we, I mean my brother, my cousins and I. Like I said, WE ARE BORED!!! Just sittin here. Doing nothing. Ugg. For those two people who read my blog, do you have any questions for me? Just wondering. Ugg. C ya later

Monday, December 18, 2006

Vacations is Almost Here!

Vacation is Only 3 Days away. It's actually 4 but the day before vacation, I have a fieldtrip. I can't wait!!! I also can't wait for 12/25/06!! For those who are "challeged", that's Christmas. Being with the cousins in ONLY a plus, the AWESOME part is that morning when we actually OPEN the gift.

I have one queston. Who all actually reads this blog? Leave a comment If you have read it.

Friday, December 01, 2006



It's been a while. I was just pondering the meaning of a blog. I think I'll write it in peopm form.

What is a book/blog but words on a page,
It's even a way to get rid of your rage.
When you think people need to hear what you say,
It's a way to keep your emotions at bay.
Whether your happy or sad,
or angry at a guy named chad,
You express your feelings,
People know what it is that your dealing.


That was a good ONE!!. I'll write back later