Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dad's Back

My Dad's back from Texas. So Glad to have him back. Any Opinions on my $$$ situation would b great.!!!

P.S. He didn't bring my anything :-(

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I Can't Decide

I can't decide wat 2 get w/ my $$$ that's burining a hole in my pocket. Should I get drumming equipment or baseball catchers equipment. I love beating out drum stuff. I drum ALL the time. Then again I LOVE baseball. Your opinion would b great. Thanks

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Movie and all That crud

Tonight my mom, my brother, some friends from church, and I are gonna watch a movie. If only we ciuld pick one.

P.S. My dad's out of town that's why he's not watching a movie with us. He probably wouldn't watch with us anyways.

Because you Told Me 2

UGG :( are u happy now hannah?? i finally edited my blog, happy birthday to whoever's birthday it is in the world!! RIP to My firend's fish, Kip, who got stuck under a rock and died. i have to go eat and do some other life stuff. c ya