Thursday, November 17, 2005

I'm back

As you can see I haven't written in a long time Here are some reasons

  • homework
  • hanging out w/ other people
  • T.V
  • and last but not least, I just forgot about it

My next posting will be my Christmas list if I remember this blog. Eventually I will probably forget again and eventually get rid of this blog. If you enjoy reading this just let me know by posting a comment.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Taking One for the Team

There was much pain in St. Petersburg, Florida yesterday on July 26th, 2005. A pitcher for the Boston Red Sox baseball team was hit by a line drive yesterday in the bottom of the 3rd inning. A pitcher by the name of Matt Clement was in much pain. A CAT scan was taken and the results were negative, that means everything is o.k, and will travel back to Boston with the Red Sox.
Trot Nixon also pulled something, but I don't know really anything about that. Best wishes to Matt Clement, the Boston Red Sox, family, and friends.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Back from Vacation

Hey. I'm back from Deep Creek. The ride was very boring and all I did was sleep, read, eat, talk, and watch a part of a movie. It was boring. Its getting late so I'm going to go to read and go to bed. Good Night Everybody.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Much Craziness

We got back from swimming about and hour ago and then got in the hot tub. When everybody got back from the boat ride there was much craziness. People were running all over the place trying to get ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow we are all going back to our proper homes. Everybody except for my grandparents. My grandparents going to see my grandfathers sister. She lives in Delaware.
I will be leaving at 7:30 a.m. so there will probably be no postings tomorrow. I will see you all eventually


Back From Dinner

We just came back from dinner. Now I am going swimming with my brother, one of my cousins, and my dad. Everybody else is going on a boat ride. We dont want them to know because they went swimming without us earlier. Must go swimming goodbye.


The Trip to Deep Creek

On Saturday 16th, 2005 my dad, my brother, and I all went to stay in a cabin with my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. All of these relatives are on my dads side of the family. This cabin is in Deep Creek Lake, Maryland. My mother did not come because she is currently studying to become a teacher. She is very much missed by all. We are just about to leave to go on a boat ride to UNO's Pizzaria for dinner. I must go.